Centos How To Install Software

Granted, all the repositories of any Linux distro comes with a pretty large collection of default software and tools. However, in some cases, you may need to get software outside the repository and install it. In the case of CentOS and RHEL, it uses “yum” as its package manager. It is tricky to install DevStack. using the instructions found on the OpenStack web site since it assumes that you have certain knowledge about the network, about setting user accessing rights, and so on. This article shows step-by-step how to install DevStack in CentOS. 7. Install CentOS 7. The following steps show you how to install DevStack. May 20, 2016  Of course you don’t have to install and manage software on CentOS 7, if you use one of our CentOS VPS hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install or remove a certain package for you. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately. With CentOS 7 just released, I thought it would be a great time to make a CentOS 7 64Bit server installation step-by-step guide, with pictures and everything just like the old CentOS 6.5 64Bit server installation guide. This guide will help you to install GUI on CentOS 7 on the top of the minimal server installation. Before installing GUI, make a Local Yum Repository to avoid downloading packages from the internet. READ: How to Configure YUM repository on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.

Linux admins spend most of their time on working in a terminal; there are some who like to work on GUI instead of a terminal. By default, CentOS 7 installed as the minimal server, and user intervention is required to change the installation type. This guide will help you to install GUI on CentOS 7 on the top of the minimal server installation.

Before installing GUI, make a Local Yum Repository to avoid downloading packages from the internet.

READ: How to Configure YUM repository on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Optional: Run the following command to list down the available package groups for CentOS 7.


Of course you don’t have to install and manage software on CentOS 7, if you use one of our CentOS VPS hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install or remove a certain package for you.

Step 1: Install Gnome GUI packages using the YUM command.

CentOS 7:


Step 2: Enable GUI on system startup. In CentOS 7 / RHEL 7, systemd uses “targets” instead of runlevel. The /etc/inittab file is no more used to change run levels. So, issue the following command to enable the GUI on system start.

Step 3: Reboot the machine to start the server in the graphical mode.

License Agreement:

Accept the license by clicking on the “LICENSE INFORMATION“.

Tick mark the “I accept the license agreement” and click on “Done“.

Click on “FINISH CONFIGURATION” to complete the setup.


You may need to do some post configuration tasks, like creating first user (local account), language, etc.

Then finally you will get the desktop.

That’s All. You have successfully installed GUI on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.

This tutorial will guide you on how to perform a minimal installation of latest version of CentOS 7.0, using the binary DVD ISO image, an installation that is best suitable for developing a future customizable server platform, with no Graphical User Interface, where you can install only the software that you need.

If you want to find out more about what’s new in this release of CentOS 7.0 holds and download links, I suggest reading the previous article on release announcements:


  1. CentOS 7.0 DVD ISO

CentOS 7.0 Installation Process

1. After downloading the last version of CentOS using above links or using official CentOS download page. Burn it to a DVD or create a bootable USB stick using LiveUSB Creator called Unetbootin.

2. After you have created the installer bootable media, place your DVD/USB into your system appropriate drive, start the computer, select your bootable unit and the first CentOS 7 prompt should appear. At the prompt choose Install CentOS 7 and press [Enter] key.

CentOS 7 Boot Menu

3. The system will start loading media installer and a Welcome screen should appear. Select your Installation Process Language, that will assist you through the entire installation procedure and click on Continue.

Select Installation Process Language

Centos Install Software Collections

4. The next step, present screen prompt is Installation Summary. It contains a lot of options to fully customize your system. First thing you may want to setup is your time settings. Click on Date & Time and select your server physical location from the provided map and hit on upper Done button to apply configuration.

5. The next step is to choose your Language Support and Keyboard settings. Choose your main and extra language for your system and when you’re finished hit on Done button.

Select Language and Keyboard

6. The same way choose your Keyboard Layout by hitting the plus button and test your keyboard configuration using the right input filed. After you finish setting up your keyboard, again hit on upper Done button to apply changes and go back to main screen on Installation Summary.

Choose Keyboard Layout

7. On the next step you can customize your installation by using other Installation Sources than your local DVD/USB media, such as a network locations using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or NFS protocols and even add some additional repositories, but use this methods only if you know what you’re doing. So leave the default Auto-detected installation media and hit on Done to continue.

Choose Installation Sources

8. On the next step you can choose your system installation software. On this step CentOS offers a lot of Server and Desktop platform environments that you choose from, but, if you want a high degree of customization, especially if you are going to use CentOS 7 to run as a server platform, then I suggest you select Minimal Install with Compatibility Libraries as Add-ons, which will install a minimal basic system software and later you can add other packages as your needs require using yum groupinstall command.

Software Selection

9. Now it’s time to partition your hard-drive. Click on Installation Destination menu, select your disk and choose I will configure partitioning.

Choose Installation Destination

10. On the next screen, choose LVM (Logical Volume Manager) as partition layout and, then, click on Click here to create them automatically, option which will create three system partition using XFS filesystem, automatically redistributing your hard-disk space and gathering all LVS into one big Volume Group named centos.

  1. /boot – Non LVM
  2. /(root) – LVM
  3. Swap – LVM

Select LVM Partition Type

11. If you are not pleased with the default partition layout done automatically by the installer you can completely add, modify or resize your partition scheme and when you finish hit on Done button and Accept Changes on the Summary of Changes prompt.

Summary of Partition Changes

NOTE: For those users, who have hard-disks more than 2TB in size, the installer automatically will convert partition table to GPT, but if you wish to use GPT table on smaller disks than 2TB, then you should use the argument inst.gpt to the installer boot command line in order to change the default behaviour.

12. The next step is to set your system hostname and enable networking. Click on Network & Hostname label and type your system FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) on Hostname filed, then enable your Network interface, switching the top Ethernet button to ON.

If you have a functional DHCP server on you network then it will automatically configure all your network setting for enabled NIC, which should appear under your active interface.

Enable Ethernet Interface

Centos Install Software From Iso

13. If your system will be destined as a server it’s better to set static network configuration on Ethernet NIC by clicking on Configure button and add all your static interface settings like in the screenshot below, and when you’re finished hit on Save button, disable and enable Ethernet card by switching the button to OFF and ON, and, then hit on Done to apply setting and go back to main menu.

14. Now it’s time to start installation process by pressing on Begin Installation button and set up a strong password for root account.

Centos Install Software For All Users

Click on Begin Installation

Centos How To Install Software

Enter Root Password

Centos 7 How To Install Software

15. After you finish setting up a strong password for root account move to User Creation and create your first system user. You can designate this user to become a System Admin with root privileges using sudo command by checking the box Make this user administrator, then click on Done to go back on main menu and wait for the installation process to finish.

User Creation and Set Password

16. After the installation process finishes, the installer will show a successfully message on screen, demanding to reboot your system in order to use it.

Congratulation! You have now installed last version of CentOS on your bare new machine. Remove any installation media and reboot your computer so you can login to your new minimal CentOS 7 environment and perform other system tasks, such as update you system and install other useful software needed to run day to day tasks.