How To Setup Windows Server

The step by step guide to install and configure DHCP Server in Windows Server 2012 R2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is the core networking protocol to deploy Internet Protocol (IP) address automatically for network clients. In a small to medium and large networks, the IP address deployment has performed by DHCP Server. A DHCP Server assigns IP addresses to client computers and reduces IP management tasks.The DHCP protocol is available on most used Wireless Access point devices with preconfiguring of basic DHCP services for home users.

Setting up a Minecraft server on Windows Server may be preferable if you are familiar with the Windows GUI. In this guide, you will learn how to setup a Minecraft server on Windows Server (all versions). This article assumes that you have logged into your server with RDP, and that you have Java installed. The steps to setup and configure an SMTP Server or mail relay on Windows Server 2012 are very similar to those for Windows Server 2008 except for a few differences. Confusion has arisen due to GUI changes in Server 2012, which has led me to create this post to help anyone that requires explicit step-by-step instruc. Open Administrative Tools from your start menu. Open Active Directory Users and Computers. Go to the Users folder under your domain name from the left pane, right-click and choose New User. Enter the user First name, User logon name (You’ll provide the user this one) and click Next.

But in the enterprise network, DHCP Server require installation and configuration. In Microsoft Windows Server it a role base service. You must install it first and configure to work correctly. So I don’t take about DHCP Server on Cisco routers now because this article is about DCHP installation and configuration of Windows Server 2012 R2.

1. Install and Configure DHCP Server Role

Click on the Windows button and click on the Server Manager icon in the menu to load. When the Server Manager Dashboard loads, click on Add roles and features in. In the Select installation type section, select Role-based or feature-based installation. In the Select. Install and Configure SMTP Server on Windows Server 2016 May 28, 2017 by japinator The steps to setup and configure an SMTP Server or mail relay on Windows Server 2016 are almost exactly the same as those for Windows Server 2012 except for a few differences.

How To Setup Windows Server Failover Clustering

To install DHCP Serve go to Dashboard on Server Manager and click Manage then click Add Rules and Features.

In the Role installation window select Role-based or feature-based installation the click Next.

Choose the server you want to install DHCP from the Server pool. Here we have one server and select by default.


Explains how to configure the Windows Time service in Windows Server 2008 R2, in Windows Server 2008, and in Windows Server 2003. Provides information about troubleshooting and Windows Time service synchronization. Windows Server 2019 doesn’t have separate domain functional level. DomainNetbiosName This defines the NetBIOS name for the forest root domain. ForestMode; This parameter will specify the active directory forest functional level. In above I have used mode 7 which is windows server 2016. Windows Server 2016 doesn’t have separate forest.

From the Roles list select DHCP Server. When the Add Roles and Features Wizard Page opened, click Add Features then Click Next. That will install required features for DHCP Server.

In the Features window, do not change anything, just click Next.

Once read the information about DHCP Server and click Next button.

In the Confirm Installation page, select Restart the destination server automatically if required. Click Yes the warning window and click Install.

The installation will take a minute,when it has completed successfully click Complete DHCP Configuration link.

Read DHCP Post-Install configuration wizard description and click Next.

Set the appropriate user for management of DHCP Server. Here I leave it by default because the administrator (Shais) has the right privilege to perform DHCP Server configuration.

On the DHCP summary window clicks Close and close the DHCP Installation page also.

How To Setup Windows Server

2. Configure DHCP Server and Create Scope

How To Setup Windows Server 2016

Now try to set up the installed DHCP server and create Scope to lease IP address for clients.

Type dhcpmgmt.msc in Windows Run and press enter to open DHCP management console.

On DHCP console window expends the domain name and IPv4. Right, click the IPv4 the click New Scope.

Click Next on the New Scope Wizard page.

How To Setup Windows Server On Aws

In the Scope, name defines the name of Scope and write any description then click Next.

Assign the start IP address range and the end IP address range. I have set from to which is a class C IP address. Leave the length 24 by default and click Next.

Add the exclusive range prevent them from leasing to the client by DHCP Server. The IP address range which reserved is use for Network Servers and popular workstation. Here I add to Just set the IP address and click Add button then click Next.

Let the Lease Duration by default and click Next.

Only click Next the Configure DHCP Options, and Yes, I want to configure these options now must be checked.

If you have a router in your network, set the router IP address and click Add button, then click Next.

How To Setup Windows Server 2019

Type your domain name, and it’s IP address then click Next.

Do nothing for WINS Servers, because we don’t use WINS Server ether. Just click Next.

In Active Scope, windows click Next. Be sure the Yes, I want to active this scope now must check.

Finally, click Finish to close and finalize the installation of DHCP Server in Windows Server 2012 R2.

Now you can assign the IP address to your network clients automatically trough this DHCP Server.

How to Install DHCP Server on Windows Server 2016?

If you don’t like to read more details, just watch this simple lab manual to install and configure DHCP Server on your Windows Server.