Nvidia Drivers Fedora 27

Do you have an Nvidia graphics card on your desktop? That’s great until you are in need of the latest drivers especially when you are a gamer. Unlike Windows, Nvidia drivers for Linux desktops are quite hard to come by, and installing the latest drivers on your Linux desktop can be quite an arduous process. Fortunately for Linux users, there are the third party graphics drivers PPA which keeps an updated Nvidia driver for installation.

The PPA is currently in testing but you can nonetheless get working Nvidia drivers from here.

  1. NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x8664 (390.67) Would you like to run the nvidia-xconfig utility to automatically update your X configuration file so that the NVIDIA X driver will be used when you restart X? Any pre-existing X configuration file will be backed up.
  2. Install Nvidia drivers in Fedora./NVIDIA-Linux-x8664-418.56.run. Now follow the simple setup to install and configure Nvidia drivers in fedora system. Thanks for reading, hope you find this tutorial useful. Share your thought with us in the comments.

Change the permissions of NVIDIA-Linux-x8664-367.27.run to execute by using chmod command email protected #chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x8664-367.27.run Before going to install we will close the X-server and also blacklist the nouveau drivers as follows. Thank you for your reply, I have nVidia Optimus but no Bios Option for either disable either of the 2 cards or enabling or disabling optimus. Regarding bumblebee, I was told on fedora official IRC channel that it is currently broken on fedora. – oddcoder Nov 8 '17 at 17:35. Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA on Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora Linux OS - Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA.md. Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA on Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora Linux OS - Install NVIDIA Driver and CUDA.md. A minor note: I am wondering whether it has been pointed out somewhere else. In my Latest Fedora 27 Workstation.

Installing Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to install the latest Nvidia drivers for your Linux desktop in a few steps. I’ll also see how to remove it should things not work out as expected.

​1. Determine the latest version of Nvidia driver available for your graphics card

Nvidia PPA

a. Visit the graphics drivers PPA homepage here and determine the latest versions of Nvidia drivers available which is ‘nvidia-370’ as of January 1, 2017. b. Verify that your graphics card is capable of running the latest drivers. You can search on this link to determine if your graphics card is supported by a driver version. Don’t be so particular about the version part after the dot (after nvidia-370.xxx), just make sure you’re supported on the main version 370.2. Remove older Nvidia driver​If your graphic is supported, you can go ahead and remove all previously installed Nvidia drivers on your system. Enter the following command in terminal.

3. Add the graphics drivers PPA​

Let us go ahead and add the graphics-driver PPA –

4. Install (and activate) the latest Nvidia graphics drivers. Enter the following command to install the version of Nvidia graphics supported by your graphics card –

5. Reboot your computer for the new driver to kick-in. You can check your installation status with the following command

If there is no output, then your installation has probably failed. It is also possible that the driver is not available in your system’s driver database. You can run the following command to check if your system is running on the open source driver nouveau. If the output is negative for nouveau, then all is well with your installation.

6. Prevent automatic updates that might break the drivers. You can do this in 2 ways –

a. By removing the graphics-drivers PPA from your software sourcesThis will depend on your distro. On Ubuntu, go to your software sources, and then other sources and remove all instances of the graphics-driver PPAs.

b. Or by blocking minor version updates. Enter the following command

7. Uninstall nvidia drivers from Ubuntu​

Are you running into issues with the new drivers, you can easily remove it.

a. Remove the graphics-drivers PPA as indicated in the step above.

b. Enter the following command to completely remove the driver

c. Reboot your PC for the open-source nouveau drivers to kick-in.

Upgrading nvidia drivers in Ubuntu

Once you add ppa to your system and install drivers, you’ll automatically receive updates once they’re made available in the PPA. So keep updating system to get the latest updates.

Install Nvidia drivers In Fedora

If you are using Fedora 29, Fedora 28 or Fedora 27 then follow this tutorial. If you are using any other version, try it out and let me know if it worked or not. I have not tested it on older versions of Fedora. For Ubuntu or derivatives, it was very easy to install through PPA. But in Fedora, we will download binary files and install Nvidia drivers. So you must download the correct drivers for your graphics card otherwise, it will not work.

Check your Nvidia graphics card –

This command will show your machine’s graphics card information.

Download Nvidia drivers

Make the setup file executable

Update system and reboot

Install dependencies

​Disable open-source Nouveau drivers

Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf & at last, past the following line to disable nouveau drivers –

Edit grub file /etc/sysconfig/grub

​Type ‘rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau’ at the end of ‘GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”…”‘.

Fedora 29 Nvidia Driver

Uninstall open-source Nouveau drivers

Create initramfs

Reboot system

Install Nvidia drivers in Fedora

Now follow the simple setup to install and configure Nvidia drivers in fedora system.​Thanks for reading, hope you find this tutorial useful. Share your thought with us in the comments.

Active1 year, 11 months ago

I am aware of similar questions to this one but none of them do solve my problem, My current operating system is fedora 26 minimal net-install with i3 windows manager, so it would be safe to assume that it is customly built Linux

The problem is that I want to get Nvidia Card driver to work, At least be able to choose at booting time which one to use, and at best enable nvidia-prime to have dynamic switching between both graphic cards

I tried bumblebee, rpmfusion nvidia drivers, the official one provided by nvidia, and finally negativo repos for rpm nvidia drivers(current one), they all gave similar results.I already blacklisted nouveau driver (it doesn't show up in lspci) and tried to blacklist i915 driver so I would see if nvidia driver will work or not, but it didn't

This is the current Xorg Configurations

when I change this line Driver 'intel' to Driver 'nvidia' then do startx I kind of hangs, it doesn't accept any input, ctrl+c doesn't kill get me back to tty shell, but 'ctrl+alt+f2,f3' could move me to another tty when I move back to tty1 it doesn't display text there but rather screen freezes on whatever was already in the previous tty.


  • Note that the Section 'OutputClass' is part of the driver installation, without the rest normally the screen goes totally black (as if it is off)



2 Answers


I think you are debugging at wrong level. Check whether X server work only answer your X server work or not. You can not check whether NVIDIA driver is successul loaded.

So you should start from checking whether nvidia is correctly installed and loaded. Boot into text console and run following command.

If it does not appear as belowed then your driver does not work

If your driver does work, use the below command to generate a new x-config

Then replace your old Xconf with new generated one. It does not work, then this is time to blacklist drivers, disable BIOS,....

Vu Gia TruongVu Gia Truong

I can't see your report, so i'll come up with a generic answer:

For normal cards and BIOS, this guide should solve your problem, thought I think you'll have already considered all this, but maybe you missed a dependency or some line in the config files. It uses an nVidia driver installer rather than installing them by hand. In the past I've allways done it by hand, but this may solve your strange problem.

If your system uses nVidia Optimus technology (which I believe it is the case) its a bit more tricky to get it to work on Linux, bumblebee (which you already tried) is usually the way to go. You have two chances:

  • Check Fedora Project Wiki Bumblebee page to see if you can make it work. You said you tried, but again, maybe you missed something.
  • The safest and fastest way to go is either dissable nVidia Optimus Technology or the Intel graphics card in your notebook's BIOS (banning the driver is not enough) and then try the standard nVidia driver installation procedure I refered earlier (or those tried by you in the past, except bumblebee). You will loose the dual graphic card function.

Please, dont downvote me because of the simplicity of my answer, I've not enough reputation to post this on comments yet, although this saved my live back in fedora 20-22 when I had a similar problem, so it should work.


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