Microsoft Word 2004 Free Download

Microsoft word 2004 free download - Microsoft Office 2004, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word, and many more programs. Free download Microsoft Works for Windows, Office Suites are a very important genre of software programs due to the purpose they cater. An office suite is a collection of some productivity. Microsoft Office Word 2004 free. download full 63 May 17, 2018 ad3dc120ad Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive includes essential tools that can help you transform the way you create, share, and manage ideas and information using all four Office 2004 for MacMicrosoft Word Download. Produces HTML Help, HTML Help web-based help and documentation in Word. Random Generator for Microsoft Excel Windows v. the Random Generator, but to the Standard Microsoft Excel custom lists as well. ADX Toys for Microsoft Excel v.1.0 Is a COM add-in that adds several useful features to Microsoft Excel (see screenshot). 2019-9-9  Microsoft office word 2003 free. download full version for windows 7. Thread starter javeedpeer; Start date Dec 10, 2012; Sidebar Sidebar. An online version is available for free. This URL will direct you to the page with access to the various MS.

For writing letters and other documents, you a word processor is needed. Microsoft Word is the most widely used word-processing software, but this is very expensive to purchase.

There are also free word processors that are compatible with word documents. You can use these as word documents to both open and save so that others in your text documents simply with Microsoft Word can open. This free word-processing software the following is an overview.

A program that is not in this overview, but that might be interesting for Mac OS users with concentration problems is FountainPen.

Apache OpenOffice

Apache OpenOffice is a full-fledged kantoorsoftwarepakket and thus a good alternative to the expensive Microsoft Office. Additionally, you can use OpenOffice without any problems Powerpoint, Word and Excel files to open and edit.

Apache OpenOffice is open source and therefore completely free to download from the internet! This used to be called the package but because Oracle in 2011 the management of the project has been transferred to Apache the this new name.

With Apache OpenOffice you can create text documents, preparing, making presentations, calculating formulas, drawings and graphs, database maintenance and spreadsheets. It is so much more than just a word processor. One advantage is that your files can continue to share with people who have for example Microsoft Word because Apache OpenOffice file formats also supports.

Apache OpenOffice has the following characteristics:

  • Writer for text documents, and HTML documents,
  • Calc for spreadsheets (spreadsheets),
  • Base for databases,
  • Draw for drawings (vector graph),
  • Impress for presentations (similar to Microsoft PowerPoint),
  • Math for formulas.

Nevron Writer

Nevron Writer is a free text editor for Mac and Windows operating systems. There is also an online version. It is a fairly new program in this category, the first version was in 2014 released.

Users of Nevron Writer have a choice of the classic Word 2003-layout want to use or a modern 'Ribbon' layout, such as Microsoft, which currently applies in its Office products.

This text editor is distinguished from others because the pages as HTML-file can save. This can be done by the stijlementen within the file or as an external CSS file to save. This HTML file can then be on a private server or upload it to an external blog system such as Blogger or WordPress.

As with most modern word processing programs, files can also be saved directly as PDF-file. Thus, there is no separate PDF converter need more.

For the online version of Nevron Writer you don't need to create an account. You can start typing and editing. However, it is the online version based on the slightly outdated technology of Microsoft Silverlight.

Nevron Writer, has the following characteristics:

  • free word processor for desktop computers,
  • choice of classic or modern (Ribbon) layout as known from MS Word,
  • extensive design options
  • text files to convert to HTML or PDF,
  • only available for Mac and Windows operating systems.

Growly Write

Growly Write is a free word processor for Mac OS operating system.

The developers are trying with this program to find a compromise between offering a lot of advanced features and optimum ease of use. This is accomplished by on the right side of the window is a column to show which you are the most important functions can place you often will need. Features that you never used, you can hide it so these buttons the program is not less well.

The 'draft view' displays the text without the formatting. So you can better concentrate on reading the text without the distracting elements around it. In this display mode appears on the left side of the screen a column with the important structural elements in your text file. This includes other chapters, bookmarks, notes, and tables. By clicking on this button takes you directly to that position in the text document.

Growly Write has the following characteristics:

  • free word processing program,
  • the golden mean between ease of use and comprehensive functionality,
  • MS Word files import,
  • comprehensive manual of over 200 pages available,
  • only suitable for Mac OS.


LibreOffice is a free office program that is based on It is unclear what are the future plans of Oracle, the current owner of the trademark Therefore, it has a group of developers a 'fork' of the OpenOffice project that is being developed under the name LibreOffice.

LibreOffice contains a word processor, but also the ability to create, edit, and save presentations, databases, drawings, formulas, and spreadsheets. The open source software is a complete alternative to a paid office suite like Microsoft Office.

LibreOffice has the following characteristics:

  • free office program,
  • text files create, edit, and save
  • spreadsheets create, edit, and save
  • presentations create, edit, and save
  • drawings create, edit, and save
  • databases create, edit, and save
  • formulas create, edit, and save
  • suitable for Windows, Mac and Linux,
  • open source license.


FocusWriter is a simple word processor that is free of distracting features. The program is designed to without any distractions to text documents to work.

FocusWriter provides a user environment that will be hidden by default and only appear at the time that someone with the mouse to the corners of the screen. This focuses you better on the text itself and not on additional features, layout, and other non substantive matters.

The software is actively developed and is available for Linux, Mac and Windows. It is available in more than twenty different languages, including English. Please note that for downloading no amount of money selected. Otherwise, you will be directed to a PayPal payment page led. Select in the dropdown 'Tip with download' first 0.00 USD before you click download. Of course, would be the developers with a donation or at a price set when the software is really like.

FocusWriter has the following characteristics:

  • simple text editor for professional writers,
  • supports ODT, RTF, and TXT text files,
  • ability to set a timer and alarm
  • daily goals set,
  • choice of fully customizable themes,
  • optional sound effects of a typewriter,
  • optional auto-save,
  • live viewing statistics,
  • optional spell checking use,
  • ability to use it in portable mode,
  • available for Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems.


AbiWord is a free word processing program, which create letters and other text documents you can create and edit.

AbiWord text files are interchangeable with both the users of Microsoft Office as OpenOffice. So you don't have to be afraid that people with a different word processing program, your files can not open.

The environment of AbiWord is similar to Microsoft Word, allowing users to easily switch. There are differences, but the developers of AbiWord to try the environment of Microsoft Word as much as possible to mimic or additions to make to a better environment.

AbiWord has the following characteristics:

  • free word processor,
  • open source license,
  • also available in a portable version that you from for example a USB stick can boot,
  • user interface closely resembles that of Microsoft Word.


Bean is a simple word processor for Mac OS. In contrast to, for example, Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice strives not to be as comprehensive as possible.

This software is therefore not comparable with Microsoft Word. But if you have these advanced features don't need at all then you will be able to enjoy the speed, simplicity and user-friendliness of this program.

Bean has the following characteristics:

  • a simple text editor,
  • real-time woordenteller,
  • also translated into Dutch,
  • only suitable for Mac OS.

Microsoft Word Download


Jarte is a free word processor for Microsoft Windows. The advantage of this program is that it is very fast to start up and that there's still a lot of convenient functions are incorporated. So it contains a spell checking which is also the Dutch language supports.

By the compact view, short startup time and because the software has little attachment on the computer system is Jarte is very suitable for netbooks.

Jarte may be the following open text documents:

  • RTF
  • DOC
  • DOCX

Jarte has the following characteristics:

  • free word processor for Windows,
  • lightweight and very short start-up time,
  • based on Microsoft WordPad,
  • particularly suitable for netbooks.

Calligra Words

Calligra Words is an open source tekstverwerkerkingsprogramma originally developed for Linux, but the software is also available for Mac and Windows.

The free word-processing program is part of Calligra Suite, a productivity office suite that is comparable to Microsoft Office. Calligra Suite, the successor of KOffice.

Calligra Words makes by default use of the Open Document Format (ODF), but it can also .doc and .docx Microsoft Office open files.

Calligra Words has the following characteristics:

  • free word processing program,
  • open source license,
  • developed for Linux, but also available for Windows and Mac.

Google Document

Google Document is an online word processor that is part of the productivity office suite from Google called Google Drive. Formerly, this was known as Google Docs, but now the office applications integrated into the online storage service.

To a Google Document to create, you only have a free Google account is needed. This account is the same as that for example Gmail. When you do not have an account then you can directly through the website to create.

Microsoft office 2004 free download

The online service includes all of the formatting features that you would expect from a mature word processor. So you can titles, an automatic indexopgave create, add tables, page numbering, headers and footers add and import images.

Text documents can be shared with other Google Drive users. These can then edits in real-time to run. Thus, it is possible to have with different people at the same time to a file to work. If you want to discuss then you can do so via the built-in chat feature.

The document is automatically saved online in your Google Drive account. In addition, you can also put it in various file formats download. It supports, among others, the export to docx and pdf.

Google Document has the following characteristics:

  • online tekstverwerkingsdienst offered by Google,
  • part of the online officepakke Google Drive,
  • with multiple people simultaneously edit a document,
  • real-time chat feature,
  • save documents as docx, odt, rtf, pdf, txt, or html file,
  • creating a Google account is required.

Download and install one of the versions programs Word processing for Windows 10 (x32, 64 bit, 86).

Devices: Desktop PC, Laptop (ASUS, HP, DELL, Acer, Lenovo, MSI), Ultrabook

OS 32, 64 bit: Professional, Enterprise, Education, Home Edition, vesions: 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809

Microsoft Word 97-2004 Free Download

Review summary
Bargain hunters and anyone wanting productivity apps at home will love Microsoft Works Suite 2004. It delivers two highly regarded home productivity apps--Word 2002 and Works 7.0, a personal manager complete with spreadsheets and calendars--for less than a C-note. Microsoft sweetens the deal by tossing in its newest versions of Encarta (an encyclopedia), Money (a personal finance package), Streets & Trips (mapping software), and Picture It Photo Premium (a photo editor)--all for just $84, after the $15 mail-in rebate. Unfortunately, with no upgrade of Works 7.0 or Word 2002, Works Suite 2004 isn't such a hot deal for those who already own the 2003 version.

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Works Suite 2004 features personal productivity software Works 7.0, with a handy Task Launcher that accesses Web content and other programs and templates within Works Suite.
To install Microsoft Works Suite 2004, set aside plenty of time and disk space. A full install of Works Suite 2004 requires a whopping 1.4GB of disk space, but thankfully, you can install individual components--say, Streets & Trips but not Encarta. Be prepared to swap plenty of CDs--five, to be exact--during the lengthy 30-minute setup. If you have a cavernous hard disk with plenty of free space, you can load the entire contents of Encarta and Streets & Trips on the drive, thereby avoiding the disk swapping that these applications require to access certain information.
Like Microsoft Works Suite 2003, version 2004's centerpiece is Works 7.0, a slick, home-oriented productivity program with integrated modules for spreadsheets, calendars, and more. (Word 2002 handles word-processing chores.) Works' strength is its graphical interface. The Task Launcher makes it easy to launch one of six Works programs by selecting it from a right-hand column. The My Projects screen features dozens of templates for vacation planning, party preparation, and other home-oriented endeavors. If you select Plan A Vacation, for instance, Works loads the spreadsheet module with a ready-made travel budget template.
We'd like to see better integration among Works Suite 2004 programs, however. For instance, when you click the Address Finder tool in Task Launcher, Works launches the Web browser and goes to the MSN Maps Web site--even though you have a copy of Streets & Trips right there on your hard drive. Despite this quibble, however, Works' interface is a winner.
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Works Suite 2004 includes the Encarta Standard encyclopedia, a useful research tool for younger students.
It's easy to view Microsoft Works Suite 2004 as nothing more than yesterday's code with a fresh coat of paint. After all, its cornerstone applications, Works 7.0 and Word 2002, are carryovers from Suite 2003. But this year's model does have four new programs: Encarta Encyclopedia Standard 2004, Streets & Trips 2004, Money Standard 2004, and Picture It Photo Premium 9.0. Purchased separately, these programs would total well over $100, and that's before you add in Works and Word. For home users, the bang is in the bundle.
Encarta Standard is an excellent homework tool for younger students. Version 2004 includes thousands of updated articles, more than 19,000 photos and illustrations, and links to about 29,000 Web sites hand-selected by Encarta's editorial staff. However, the Standard edition lacks advanced features that high-school and college scholars may need, such as a dictionary, a thesaurus, and additional articles and images. For those tools, you must purchase the Encarta Reference Library, which costs about $70 (before the $20 mail-in rebate).
Money Standard is a well-designed personal finance package that's handy for home-oriented tasks, including balancing your checkbook, paying bills online, and downloading financial statements. It lacks the sophisticated financial and tax-planning tools of Microsoft Money Deluxe and Premium, however, such as the ability to track investments and automatically calculate capital gains and losses.
Streets & Trips 2004 provides door-to-door driving directions and maps for 6.7 million miles of U.S. and Canadian roads. Big deal, you say? Web sites such as Yahoo and MSN Maps do the same thing--free. However, what sets Streets & Trips apart is its Global Positioning System (GPS) support (new to version 2004), which allows you to find your exact location while traveling with your GPS device. And you can download maps from Streets & Trips to Microsoft Pocket Streets, which runs on a Pocket PC.
Perhaps the biggest upgrade in Works Suite 2004 is its photo editor. Picture It Photo Premium 9.0 replaces the bare-bones Picture It Photo 7.0, which does the basics: it removes red-eye, rotates and crops images, and so on. Premium 9.0, however, does a lot more. Its new image acquisition wizard, for instance, lets you easily transfer photos from a digital camera, a scanner, a hard drive, or other sources. The program also comes with 1,500 templates for photo cards, frames, calendars, and other image-oriented home projects.

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Works Suite 2004 includes a series of step-by-step guides called Quick Tours that introduce you to each module's salient features.

Free Microsoft Word

We give high marks for technical support to Microsoft Works Suite 2004. When we didn't have time to complete a tech-support call, a Microsoft support person called us the next day at the number we provided during product registration--unsolicited--and asked if he could help resolve our installation issue. He answered our questions accurately and politely. Needless to say, most software vendors don't provide this level of service.
Another plus is that Works Suite 2004 comes with one year of free phone support. (The number isn't toll-free, however.) Hours are Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT. In addition, online support is available during the first year at no charge. Works Suite provides an overall tour, which walks you through the basic features, including the Task Launcher and My Projects interfaces, as well as one for each of the six major programs. Frankly, Works Suite is so easy to use that much of the hand-holding is unnecessary.